This hotel has a reserved room block pricing for our guests. $109 per night offering for Friday 10/18 and/or Saturday 10/19. Please book to guarantee block prices before 9/18. Pet friendly (refundable deposit), indoor pool.
3 miles from venue, 6 miles from MSN airport.
This hotel is 2 blocks from the wedding venue and where the bride and groom will be staying. Pet friendly.
This hotel is right next to where the bride and groom live! You can see it from our window :) Pet friendly. 4 miles from venue, 8 miles from MSN airport.
Indoor pool, no pets allowed. 2 miles from venue, 7 miles from MSN airport.
Pet friendly. 7 miles from venue, 8 miles from MSN airport.
Indoor pool, pet friendly. 8 miles from venue, 14 miles from MSN airport.
Indoor pool, no pets allowed. 6 miles from the venue, 5 miles from MSN airport.
Madison has so many places to stay! The above are highlighted because they are either closer to the venue or more convenient for those flying into MSN.
For additional options with specially negotiated group hotel rates can be found here: